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"Acclaimed psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, author of “The Body Keeps The Score,” discusses the widespread existence of trauma and how it manifests in our bodies."
"We need to own our failures, celebrate them, share them, and learn from them. Failure makes us - but only if we accept it as part of life. It's time that we start to love all the pieces of life's journey, because it's through the struggles that we discover our strengths."
"An unexpected and troublesome feature of being human is that we feel so much more than we spontaneously realise we feel. There are emotions coursing through us - of anger or joy, resentment or fear - that lie just outside the sphere of ordinary consciousness and that elude us as we rush through the challenges of our lives."
"How to identify manipulative tactics, behaviours, and people, & how to deal with them. Crowdsourced by survivors."